Lavish Grower’s Choice Bouquet


Grower’s Choice Bouquets offer a personalized floral experience with an expansive selection of locally grown, seasonal flowers. Skilled flower farmers handpick the freshest, most unique blooms, ensuring vibrant, eco-friendly displays. Perfect for any occasion, these larger arrangements bring the charm and freshness of the garden into your home!

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Lavish Grower’s Choice Bouquets offer an exceptional and personalized floral experience, featuring an expansive selection of locally grown, seasonal flowers. Each bouquet is meticulously arranged by skilled flower farmers who handpick the freshest and most unique blooms, ensuring a vibrant and eco-friendly display. These larger arrangements emphasize the natural beauty and diversity of the season’s finest flowers, creating breathtaking, one-of-a-kind pieces that capture the essence of the local landscape. Perfect for any occasion, Joyful Bee Flower’s Lavish Grower’s Choice Bouquets bring the abundant charm and freshness of the garden right into your home!

Please Note: All Products Are Currently Next Day Pick Up Only or Delivery Within a 15 Mile Radius. Please provide your order name at front counter at:

The Fox’s Den Cafe

Pick Up Location Address: 1323 TN-394, Blountville, TN 37617