Petite Growers Choice Bouquet


Our Petite Grower’s Choice Bouquets highlight the best of locally grown, seasonal flowers in a compact design. Expertly crafted by skilled florists, each bouquet ensures a fresh and vibrant display. Perfect for any space, these petite arrangements bring a touch of nature into your home.

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Our Petite Grower’s Choice Bouquets showcase the best of locally grown, seasonal flowers in a compact, charming arrangement. Each bouquet is thoughtfully crafted by skilled florist who select only the freshest blooms, ensuring a vibrant and eco-friendly display. Perfect for adding a touch of nature to any space, these petite arrangements bring the essence of the garden right into your home.

Please Note: All Products Are Currently Next Day Pick Up Only or Delivery Within a 15 Mile Radius. Please provide your order name at front counter at:

The Fox’s Den Cafe

Pick Up Location Address: 1323 TN-394, Blountville, TN 37617

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Petite Designer's Choice

10 stems